Industries in Australia

Find profiles, forecasts, statistics and other information on Australian industries & markets

About market research

Market research reports are usually produced by commercial organisations and publishers. They often include original research and they are often expensive.

A report will usually focus on a very specific industry segment or product group. However, it can also cover a very broad industry grouping like mining or retail.

Most publishers offer their reports for sale via their own websites. There are also online services that aggregate reports from numerous publishers and sell these reports. The biggest and best known of these aggregators is

Australian market research

Global market research

These market research vendors tend to be oriented to the USA. However, they also tend to focus on industries and markets that are global in nature.  While coverage of Australian-specific markets will be minimal, they are always worth checking.

Mutual Acceptance Corp

Mutual Acceptance Corp H98.252/744

Melbourne, Mutual Acceptance Corp. 30 Collins St. H98.252/744