Artists and artworks

How to research artists and art works. Locating reproductions and recent art sales by artists.

Reproductions of artworks

There are a range of sources to locate reproductions of artworks. These include online and print resources.

Artists' signatures & marks

There are a number of resources for checking an artist's signature or mark.

Benezit dictionary of artists

  • check the artist name, most entries have an example of the signature.

Artists' marks

  • relevant books will be listed under Artists' marks subject heading.

Images of artists

To find images of well known artists, look at biographies of that artist. For contemporary artists search for biographical articles in journals, or simply search the internet.

So for instance using Google do a search and then narrow to 'image' from the options directly above your search results.  Depending on how common your artist's name, and how well-known, add the term artist after the name to narrow your search.

Arts databases

See these databases containing a wide range of information on art and artists. Most require a Victorian registration for access.


One way of browsing the oil paintings and watercolours we hold in our Pictures Collection is to do a subject search in Advanced search as illustrated. 

Search for watercolours and paintings

Note the American spelling watercolor. This is because subject headings meet an international standard that uses American spelling.

If our paintings have been on exhibition, details of where and when exhibited will be included within the catalogue record. 

These mainly concern exhibitions over the last 20 years but sometimes include exhibitions further in the past.

Catalogue record showing exhibitions