Digital Audio Fundamentals

Information about digital audio production, processing and editing, as well as resources available at the Library.


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Michael Harvey
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The Digital Audio Fundamentals Research Guide is designed for users of the studios onsite at the State Library. It contains some basic information about digital audio production, processing and editing, as well as resources available to Library users onsite, and eresources that are accessible from home (for Victorian-resident Library members).

Please see more information on our Library membership page.

Man holding vinyl record in rceord store

Unidentified man working with music records in an office (1950) Maggie Diaz. H2011.62/534d

Book a studio

Our self-facilitated studios provide dedicated spaces and equipment to help you produce your next audio project.

The studios are free to use. To get started you need to:

1. become a Library member
2. book an induction for the studio you wish to use
3. after completing your induction, book the studio you wish to use. 

For more information, see our Book a studio page on the Library website.