Finding items in languages other than English

How to find books in languages other then English

Finding journals in languages other than English

You can do a broad search for any journals or magazines we hold in other languages. We call these periodicals.

To find journals or magazines in your preferred language, perform an advanced catalogue search:

  1. Select Subject from the first dropdown menu and type in ‘periodicals’
  2. After performing the search, limit results to journals under Resource type
  3. Then limit results to preferred language under Language

Below is a screenshot of an advanced catalogue search for journals and magazines in Italian. 



Choose your preferred language from the dropdown ↓ to translate this guide:

  • Alternatively, you can go to Google translate, click on 'websites', paste in this guide's address and choose your preferred language
  • The State Library of NSW also offers a helpful glossary which translates words used by libraries into many different languages.

Other libraries

Sourced from: State of Victoria Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions. (2021). Directory of public library services in Victoria 2021 (PDF)