How to find books in languages other then English
There is a lot more to our collection than what you can find on the shelves. To do a broader search of the items we hold perform an advanced catalogue search:
Below is a screenshot of a catalogue search for ‘Chinese history’ in Chinese:
The Ian Potter Queen's Hall has a browsable collection of Australian literature. This includes translations into languages other than English. These are organised by language.
The Pauline Gandel Children's Quarter also has a section devoted to books in languages other than English, including Australian Indigenous languages.
To find more items in other languages on our shelf, perform an advanced catalogue search:
To allow for variations in catalogue records, we recommend also performing your search without step 3 to discover all available titles.
Below is a screenshot of an advanced catalogue search for books in Japanese. There are also pre-made searches for other languages provided in the Quick Searches box on the right side of this page.
Choose your preferred language from the dropdown ↓ to translate this guide:
Here are some quick searches for books in other languages.
Find on shelf means those items are in our open access reading rooms:
You can change the language from the search to find other languages.
Sourced from: State of Victoria Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions. (2021). Directory of public library services in Victoria 2021 (PDF).