Health and medical information

Find health and medical information from books, journal databases and reputable online resources at State Library Victoria.

Current health warnings

COVID-19: For current Victorian information, visit the Victorian Government's Coronavirus page. For current Commonwealth information and advice visit the Australian government's coronavirus health alert page.


Welcome to the Health & Medical Information Research Guide

This guide aims to help you find health and medical information from Library resources.

Medical information exists in a variety of formats and complexities, from introductory information on a particular topic (questions such as "what is asthma?"), through to sources for the most current research (questions such as "what is the immune system's role in asthma and asthma treatments?"). 

This guide will introduce relevant databases, books, ebooks, and journal articles held by State Library Victoria.

There is an overwhelming amount of health and medical information available, both in print and online. This guide hopes to take some of the guesswork out of searching for reliable and authoritative information resources.

It also provides criteria to aid you in assessing online health and medical information.

Note: The purpose of this guide is to provide information about health and medical information resources at State Library Victoria. If you are experiencing a medical issue, please contact a qualified GP.