Illuminate Australian society and your family history using census records from 1788 to 1901
The following sources include information about Tasmania people. Please note that records relating to Aboriginal Australians may be inaccurate.
Statistics relating to Aboriginal Australians may be inaccurate.
The books and online resources listed on this page contain information extracted from original records. Many of these original records have been copied and made available as part of the Australian Joint Copying Project (AJCP). These include records relating to Tasmania from 1808 to 1849.
The AJCP is available to search online.
A more complete listing of the available records - with references to their location on the original AJCP micofilms - can be found in the Australian Joint Copying Project handbook: part 3: Home Office, pages 16-17.
Physical copies of the AJCP handbooks and a set of microfilm are also available at the Library.
Census data from 1861 Census in Tasmania. Detail taken from Atlas of the Australasian colonies: Meek's historical and descriptive atlas of British colonies in continental and insular Australia, 1862; YMAPS RF 800 A 1861 MEEK