New South Wales Government publications

A guide to accessing and using NSW Government publications both in print and online

What is Hansard

Hansard is the name given to transcripts of parliamentary proceedings, (i.e., what is actually said in the Parliament), and is the official record of the proceedings of the Parliament. It is a verified and accurate record but repetitions and redundancies may be omitted and obvious mistakes corrected.

Interjections are not recorded if they do not receive a response from the parliamentarian who has the floor at that time.



Online access to Hansard from 1880 to current. There is a browse/filter/search function available here


1824 onwards
Listing of all parliamentary documents available online; hansards from 28 Oct 1879.


Full text

It is recommended that the online equivalents (see above) be used instead of retrieving hard copy.

May-Dec 2011
New South Wales. Parliament. Parliamentary debates (Hansard)
Bound volumes of debates of both Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly.
SLV subscription ceased with Dec 2011

1972/73 to Nov. 2010
New South Wales. Parliament. Parliamentary debates (Hansard)
Bound volumes of debates of both Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly.

1879/80 to 1972/73
New South Wales. Parliament. Parliamentary debates
Use open access microfilm for dates between 1879/80 and 1900, pre-order required for use after 6 pm; 1901-1972 held offsite, contact Library to arrange delivery.

1856 to 1880
No Hansard existed. Use reports of Parliament in the Sydney morning herald.


No separate index. Use indexes in individual bound volumes.

1856 to 1880
New South Wales Parliamentary debates (Sydney morning herald) : index in two volumes.
Pre-order before 5.30pm for use after 6pm.

Government guides


Full text

1879/80 to 1900
New South Wales. Parliament. Parliamentary debates
Use open access microfilm reels N184 to N218 of New South Wales material for dates between 1879/80 to 1900, pre-order required for use after 6pm.

1856 to 1880
Use microfilm of Sydney morning herald in conjunction with index noted above.