Chess collection
Strategy refers to the setting and planning of long term goals during a game. The Library holds a range of resources relating to chess strategy, including books and journals.
To locate the items you want, search the Library catalogue for the name of the strategy you want, or more general terms if you are a beginner.
For example, you could try searching for 'chess openings' or 'chess strategy'. This search for 'chess openings' returns a large number of items that are available either by order, or on the shelves in the Chess Room. If you would like to narrow down the results, there are options to do so on the left hand side of the page.
If you know the strategy, move or system you want to learn about, try searching for the name, along with the word 'chess'. For example, a search for 'chess hedgehog' returns 5 results, including Shipov's The complete Hedgehog.
To browse the collection that is held in the Chess Room, look on the book shelves at the following call numbers:
Strategy and tactics: AC 794.12
Openings: AC 794.122
Middle games: AC 794.123
End games: AC 794.124
Tactics are considered to be made up of immediate moves and sequences, which tend to involve either an attack or capture. The Library has a range of books on shelf in the Chess Room which cover the basics (such as Chess tactics from scratch, and Predator at the chessboard) to the advanced. We also hold books for children, such as Chess endgames for kids, which can be found in the Chess Room.
Common tactics include:
[R.A.A.F. personnel relaxing in camp], H98.104/3969