Companies in Australia

Find current and historical information about Victorian and other Australian companies.

Looking for more insights into a company and its people?

If you are looking for more detail about a company’s core business, it’s people, performance and history, resources such as annual reports, company records, published histories and biographies may help. Consider the following avenues:

Profiles and reports

IBISWorld is a prominent global research company that provides up-to-date market information and analysis on a wide variety of industries, companies and business sectors.Their collection of research reports are updated two-to-three times a year. State Library Victoria subscribes to the Australian content. Access to IBISWorld is provided for users' private research or study purposes only and not for users' business, commercial or work related purposes. Reports are unable to be downloaded. Can be accessed via any Library computer onsite, or offsite by registering as a member of the Library.

DatAnalysis provides detailed information on all companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (as well as delisted companies since 1989). Included are corporate details, company history, company and annual reports, financial tables, shareholder information, company announcements, and company reviews from as early as the 1970s. A 'Controlled Entities' search  within Section B of an 'Advanced Search' will  enable you to identify if there are any associated companies, subsidiaries or related entities of a company. The database is updated daily.  Access to Morningstar DatAnalysis Premium is provided for users' private research or study purposes only and not for users' business, commercial or work related purposes.  Can be accessed via any Library computer onsite, or offsite by registering as a member of the Library. Note: Saved searches and alerts are unavailable.

Catalogue search tip

State Library Victoria's extensive holdings mean that physical or online issues of company reports may be found through our catalogue.  Try a catalogue search using a company name and the terms 'report', 'annual report' or 'company report'.

Business records and histories

Catalogue search tips

Try the name of a company and the terms ‘company history’ or ‘history’,  e.g. RM Williams history, Shell company history. These results may also cover the history of significant people associated with a company, but searches on the names of key directors and founders may also uncover profiles, biographies, pictures or personal papers, e.g. Reg Ansett, Gina Rinehart.

Public Records and ASIC

Public Records Office

Prior to 1991, the states had jurisdiction for company registration.

On Jan 2nd 1991 the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), was formed to replace the National Companies & Securities Commission and the states' corporate affairs commissions. 

The states' files on companies that were currently registered at the end of 1990 were given to the new body, ASIC.  

In addition, files of Victorian companies that had registered post 1976 and subsequently deregistered were also transferred to ASIC, where they are available in microfiche format.

Files of Victorian companies deregistered up until 1976 are retained by Public Record Office Victoria (PROV). Series include:

  • Foreign Company Registration Files - VPRS 934
  • Index to Defunct Company, Association and Business Name Registrations (Microfiche) - VPRS 8268
  • Index to Defunct Mining Companies and Prospecting Syndicates - VPRS 8275
  • Index to Defunct Trading Company Registrations - VPRS 8270
  • Index to Mining Companies - VPRS 8274
  • Mining Company Registration Files - VPRS 567
  • Register of Life Assurance Companies - VPRS 8278
  • Register of Trading Companies - VPRS 8269


The Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) has a number of registers available for searching. Start by searching the Organisations & Business Names Register.

There are some details you can see for free, including

  • organisation name
  • any former names
  • unique identification number (ABN, ACN, ARBN, ARSN)
  • If the business is registered or deregistered (is it still in business)
  • type of company
  • registration date
  • next review date
  • locality of registered office, and
  • list of documents lodged with ASIC.

However, you will not find:

  • the identities of its owners, directors, shareholders
  • the identity of entities holding any registered charges
  • addresses or other contact details.

To find these details, you will need to look at  a company extract.

To find who or what has registered a business name, you will need to look at a business name extract.

Extracts and other documents can be purchased from ASIC.  Fees and examples of paid products.

Extracts and documents can also be purchased from authorised information brokers. In addition to offering the ASIC-generated products, brokers may also offer extended customer support, a variety of payment options and additional products (credit reports, for example).  Products, services and pricing regimes vary significantly among the brokers, so it's a good idea to shop around.

ASIC also offers a free service that enables you to set up and manage 'Company Alert Profiles' for the companies you want to monitor. You receive overnight email notification of any documents a company submits.

ABN Lookup

ABN Lookup is the free public view of the Australian Business Register (ABR). It provides access to publicly available information supplied by businesses when they register for an Australian Business Number (ABN). This search can be particularly useful when looking for details on sole traders or partnerships They are personally liable for the debts incurred by their businesses. Usually, these businesses are quite small.  While these businesses are not required to register with ASIC, they are required to have and display an ABN  (Please Note: as of 1 November 2025, trading names will cease to be displayed in ABN Lookup, only registered business names will be displayed).