Ebooks: using our ebook collection

Discover and read electronic books available at the State Library Victoria

Searching for eBooks in the catalogue

You can limit your catalogue search to ebooks only. For the best results, enter your keywords in the search box and then choose 'eBooks' from the dropdown menu (default search is 'Everything except articles').

This 'Ebooks' scope includes over 200,000 ebooks from ProQuest, EBSCOhost Ebook and Academic Collections, Berg Fashion Library, Gale and National Edeposit (NED).

Catalogue search with ebooks option selected from the dropdown


You can also search and then apply filters to your results. The filters column, 'Refine results by' is usually displayed to the right of your search results. Choose 'Available online' under Availability and 'Books' under Resource Type, then click 'Apply'. Other filtering options include subject, date and author.

Catalogue search with available online and books filters selected


Ebooks in your search results will show an Available online link.

Brief results view of an ebook with the Available online link outlined


To view an ebook, first select the title or Available online link from your search results and navigate to the Access online section. Then click on the linked database name (e.g. 'ProQuest Ebook Central') to open the ebook. Please note that other records might have a link to 'View ebook' instead.

Catalogue record of ebook with links pointed out


Another catalogue record of ebook with links pointed out


If you're outside the Library you'll need to log in with your valid library member details and accept the conditions of access to start reading online.

Catalogue sign in page


How to video


We are continually adding ebooks to our catalogue.

Browse our curated Ebookshelf (updated monthly).

You can see previous highlights on the Ebookshelf Archive.

Ebook sources

We subscribe to databases containing ebooks and we collect books in digital format through National Edeposit (NED).

The ebook catalogue filter searches the following sources: EBSCOhost, ProQuest, Berg Fashion Library, Gale, and NED ebooks.

We also digitise printed historic material from our collections. See our other ebook sources page for details on how to access more ebooks.

Finding fashion ebooks

Visit the Berg Fashion Library database with 130+ titles covering important classic and modern writings plus reference works and the Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion.