Resources for Children

Find out about the resources available for children at the Library and online

Your Librarian

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Melissa Jones
Librarian, Information Services Team

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Collection spotlight

For an in depth look at the resources available in our Children's Browsing Collection, read our Collection Spotlight blog, or you can browse some of the titles available and the age ranges covered through our Collection Discovery page.


School visits

We love welcoming classes to the Library to see our wonderful spaces and use our resources. If you would like to bring your class to the Library for a self-guided tour or school program, you must book in advance.

When you arrive at the Library, we will ask you to check in with a staff member and split your class into groups of 10 as you move around the Library to limit congestion and disruption to those studying.


Welcome to State Library Victoria's guide to the resources and services available for children at the Library and online.

The Library has 4,000 titles available in the Children's Browsing Collection which has been specially selected to appeal to the youngest users of the Library. This collection includes:

  • Books for children up to age 12, including picture books, middle-grade fiction, comics, and non-fiction
  • Bilingual picture books and a limited selection of books in other languages
  • Braille books
  • Australian classics and popular titles
  • Indigenous stories and writers
  • and much more!

All of these titles are available in the Pauline Gandel Children's Quarter  a haven for bookworms and a great space for children to learn and discover a love for reading.

Finding your way

Finding your way to the Pauline Gandel Children's Quarter is easy:

From the Swanston Street Welcome Zone entrance, head straight through the security gates and into the Information Centre. Turn right and keep an eye out for the impressive LEGO® replica of the library  the Children's Quarter is just behind this!

From the Russell Street Welcome Zone entrance, enter through the glass doors into the Redmond Barry Reading Room (you might wish to stop and see Ned Kelly's armour on display here), head straight until you reach the Cowen Gallery, go down the stairs (or take the lift) into the Information Centre. Head to the far left-hand side of this space.

Black and white map indicating Swanston street entrance and path to the children's area

Lego display of library       entrance to Pauline Gandel Children's Quarter

Visitor guidelines

The Library is a child safe organisation so children must be supervised by an adult. Please stay with your child at all times.

Parents or carers may allow older children to be in the castle on their own; however, they retain duty of care and must stay within the Pauline Gandel Children's Quarter while their child is there.

We ask that visitors to the Pauline Gandel Children's Quarter:

  • share the space so that everyone feels safe and enjoys their visit
  • respect each other with kind words and actions
  • keep pathways clear
  • clean up after themselves
  • be responsible for belongings

Only adults that are accompanying a child are allowed in the children's area.

Photography is not permitted within the Pauline Gandel Children's Quarter. 


This space has family-friendly facilities such as:

  • pram parking
  • baby change and toilet facilties
  • area where food and drink for babies and toddlers is permitted
  • breastfeeding-friendly space

Things to remember

State Library Victoria is not a lending library, which means that you can't borrow any of the items in our collection to take home.

You don't need to be a member to use the Pauline Gandel Children's Quarter, or any of the facilities at State Library Victoria.

The closest lending libraries are operated by City of Melbourne, with City Library located on Flinders Lane and naarm ngarru Library located next to Queen Victoria Market. Find the full list of city centre locations here.

Age groups

On the main floor of the Children's Quarter, you'll find picture books, information books, and short chapter books for early readers.

On the Mezzanine level you'll find longer chapter books for more confident readers as well as graphic novels and information books for older readers.

Looking for books for teenagers? Young Adult fiction is housed in The Ian Potter Queen's Hall. Head up the first set of stairs at the Swanston Street Welcome Zone.