VCE Australian history - units 3 & 4

Guide for VCE Australian history students

War & upheaval (1950-1992)

Students investigate Australia’s involvement and reasons for participation in post-World War Two conflicts and the subsequent debates arising from these conflicts.

The changing reasons for Australia’s participation in conflicts was influenced by shifting alliances, fears of Communism, desires for regional security, concerns regarding terrorism and the evolving nature of enlistment and service in the military forces.

Students consider the impacts of these conflicts on groups in Australian society and the differing ways in which Australians responded. (VCE History Study Design 2022–2026 p.62)

Cold War & Korean War

Images from the Korean War

Refugee with luggage and child on shoulders

Korean refugees during the Korean War. (1950). H2002.199/5023


Aerial shot of large parade of soldiers with large crowd watching

Argus (Melbourne, V. . (1954). Korean War veterans march through Sydney, N.S.W. H2002.199/3757A


Young refrugee with large load on back walking on dirt road beside rice fields

Korean refugees during the Korean War. (1950). H2002.199/5013

Bandaged  soldier being led by another soldier

Gulliver, A. (1950). Wounded North Korean prisoner being led by South Korean soldier, Korean War, 1950 H2001.200/2691