Commonwealth Government publications

Guide to the range of publications, both online and in print, from the Commonwealth Parliament and Government

About votes and proceedings & journals

The Votes & proceedings (House of Representatives) and Journals (Senate) are equivalent to the minutes of proceedings of the respective houses.

The Votes & proceedings include references to each stage of a bill as well as the text of amendments made to bills. They can be used as a way of verifying:

  • titles of bills
  • dates bills were debated
  • any amendments moved and adopted in the lower house.

The Votes & proceedings (House of Representatives) and Journals (Senate) are produced daily when Parliament is sitting and are then cumulated after the end of a parliamentary term. The cumulated volumes also include indexes to the Votes & proceedings and to the Journals as well as a separate index to Parliamentary papers presented during that term and other information.

Sessional summaries of business can be found in Work of the Session (House of Representatives) and sessional and annual summaries for the Senate in Business of the Senate. They contain summaries and statistics on votes, bills and sitting days as well as other business conducted by the houses.

House of Representatives



The Senate journals are available in full text from 1973 and can be searched online.

Printed indexes to the journals are also included with each bound sessional Votes & Proceedings volume.


The ParlInfo database is an online searchable index. See boxes at left for further information on searching for House and Senate items.

Printed indexes are included with each bound sessional Votes & Proceedings volume.

The following printed index is also available: