Australian census statistics

Find statistics from Australian censuses from 1788 to present

Step 1

Before you begin your research you should determine what questions you want to answer. You should think about:

Date range:
Are you looking for historic or modern data? What years in particular?

Geographic area:
Do you want data related to small areas (for example, a suburb, or the Melbourne CBD) or larger areas (for example, Victoria or Australia)?

Topic/s of interest:
Are you interested in, for example, statistics about marital status, birthplace, ethnic background, period of residence in Australia, Aboriginality, place of residence, disability, religion, education, income, hours worked?

Your question could be:

  • In 1971, how many Australians were divorced?
  • In 1836, how many people lived in the area now called Victoria?
  • In 1996, what were the average hours of work for men living in Moreland, Victoria?

Are you interested in information about individuals? If so, read What won't I find? in this guide.

Step 2

Not every census collected the same information. Not all information can be compared directly from census to census.

Determine if the data you want is likely to be available by reading about:

  • what information you will and won't find in the census, in the Why use census data? page of this guide
  • the census dictionary for the relevant census (these are listed in this guide where available)
  • census history, so you understand why information has been collected, and what information has been collected

Step 3

If it seems that the information you want has been collected and made available in the census, select the relevant tab (heading) above to find out more about what information you can access at the State Library of Victoria.

If the information that you want does not appear to be available at the State Library of Victoria, you may wish to consult the Australian Bureau of Statistics Information Consultancy Service. ABS Consultancy Services can help you with customised data to suit your needs. Please note that fees apply for data obtained through an ABS Consultancy.

Those conducting detailed statistical analysis may also find the collections and advice of the Australian Social Science Data Archive useful.