Australian census statistics

Find statistics from Australian censuses from 1788 to present

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Data from this census was published in most detail on microfiche. The microfiche include data divided by collection districts, postcodes and urban centres. Data is cross referenced across multiple factors, allowing users to answer complex questions such as:

  • In 1976, how many people living in Sydney were born in Turkey and had lived in Australia less than five years?

This set of fiche is unfortunately not available at the State Library of Victoria. It appears to be available from the Australian National University's (ANU) Chifley Library (catalogue record). The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) should also hold copies. Before you contact ANU or the ABS, check the 1971 census data resources listed below. Even though we do not have a copy of the microfiche we hold lots of useful resources which are likely to include the information that you need.

You can check if the data you want is available on microfiche by using the following guide:

1971 census data

Useful statistics from this census can be found in the following resources. Complex cross referenced statistics may not be available in these sources - check the 'Research help' box on this page for more information about locating complex data.

No information about individuals is available from this census.