South Australian Government publications

A guide to accessing South Australian Government publications

Annual Reports Online

Most government departments and instrumentalities have their last 10 or so annual reports available from their websites. Go to the Government of South Australia website to find the web address for individual departments and agencies.

Alternatively, for annual reports submitted to the House of Assembly, go directly to the Parliament South Australia website and search the indexes to Tabled Papers and Petitions. Indexes stretch back to 1857. The index will give you the title of the annual report, its published parliamentary paper number and the date it was tabled.  

You can also do a search for the full-text of an annual report via the Tabled Papers and Petitions search function.

There is no on-line access to South Australian Parliamentary papers as a separate series.


Not held by SLV

Parliamentary papers are included in Votes and proceedings

1857/58 onwards
Parliamentary papers are included with the Proceedings.
Papers presented annually retain the same number from year to year. SLV no longer receives individual copies of the papers.