1839 onwards
South Australian regulations have been published in the South Australian government gazette since early times, and the full text of new regulations continues to be published there. See the Government gazettes page for more information
2003 onwards
Original regulations and rules without amendments from 2003 are available from the South Australian Legislation website. There is also an A-Z list with consolidations.
1841-2011 South Australian government gazette
South Australian regulations have been published in the Gazette since early times, and the full text of new regulations continues to be published there. Use of the online versions is preferable.
1992 to 1999
Index of South Australian legislation. This has been published as a separate volume since 1992. It includes a table of the Acts in force, amendments, regulations and case annotations.
2004-2005 Update of … index of South Australian legislation
This fortnightly publication updates the information in the latest issue of the Index of South Australian Legislation. It includes a list of all acts recently amended with details of sections affected, dates of gazettal, and dates of operation.