Researching your Victorian ancestors

A guide to family history research using the major Victorian resources

Births, marriages and deaths

Birth, death and marriage certificates (BDM's) are vital documents to help family historians establish relationships of family members backwards in time. They are used to build the basic structure of the family history tree. For information on what's included on a certificate, please go to the Comparison of Australian BDM Certificates document, which appears to the right of this page.

Certificates are kept by the relevant Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages in each Australian state and territory. To obtain a copy of an historical certificate you first need to check the relevant index to find the registration number.
See below for a list of indexes and information on how to order certificates.

Indexes and certificates

Here you can find a list of available birth, death and marriage indexes together with information on how to obtain copies of certificates.

Please click on the relevant tab for each state or territory to be taken to a new page.



On 1 July 1853 the compulsory registration was introduced into the Colony of Victoria. From this date forwards all details were required to be lodged with the Registrar, Births, Deaths and Marriages. Information on baptisms, marriages and burials that occurred prior to July 1853, can be found on the Church records page of this guide.

Coverage Available indexes

Births: 1836-1924
(access is restricted 100 years after the date of the birth)

(access is restricted 30 years after the date of death )           

Marriages: 1836-1964
(access is restricted  60 years after the date of registration)

An online index to Historical birth, death and marriage records is available on the Victorian Registry of births, deaths and marriages website. This index includes the details of events registered after civil registration (July 1853) as well as surviving records of church baptisms, marriages and burials from 1836 to 1853.

If you're looking for a record inside the restriction period, you will need to complete one of the following forms on the Registry website -  Get a birth certificate, Get a marriage certificate or Get a death certificate.

Other indexes include -

The online index to Events at sea (Marine) births, deaths and marriages (1853 to 1920). This index is available through the Victorian Registry of births, deaths and marriages.

A range of CDROM indexes to Victorian BDM records (often known as the Digger indexes) can be requested for viewing in the Newspapers & Family History Reading Room. Videos on how to search these indexes appear towards the bottom of this webpage.

The birth, death and marriages indexes are available on microfiche in the Newspapers & Family History Reading Room - call number GMF 95.

Ordering certificates

Certificates can be ordered online from the Victorian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.Search the online index and then follow the prompts to order the relevant document.

If you do not have the registration number or if you prefer a print copy of the certificate, complete one of the following forms on the registry website -  Get a birth certificate, Get a marriage certificate or Get a death certificate.


Coverage Available indexes

Births: 1788-1924
(restricted 100 years after the date of the birth)

Deaths: 1788-1994
(restricted 30 years after the
date of death)       

Marriages: 1788-1974
(restricted  60 years after the
date of registration)  

Historical indexes can be accessed through the NSW Registry of births, deaths and marriages website.

The NSW birth, death and marriages indexes are available on microfiche in the Newspapers & Family History Reading Room - call number GMF 122.

Obtaining a certificate

Certificates can be ordered from  the NSW Registry of Births, Marriages and Deaths.

See also the Register of baptisms, burials and marriages [1787-1856].
This is a microfilm reproduction of records held by the Archives Authority of New South Wales. Available in the Newspapers  & Family History  Reading Rooms - call number GM 8.


Coverage Available indexes

Births: 1803-1933

Deaths: 1803-1939


Digitised images of indexes and certificates for Births and Marriages  (1803-1899), Deaths (1803-1930), Burials (1903-1933) and Baptisms (1900-1930) can be accessed through the Libraries Tasmania Name Index.

The Australia Tasmania Civil Registration 1803-1933 can be accessed though the FamilySearch website.

The pre-1900 records of the Tasmanian Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages are held in the library - call number GM 5. These include pre-1900 birth, marriage and death certificates.

Indexes are available on microfiche in the library. Call number GMF 152.

Obtaining a certificate


Historical certificates can be ordered online through the Tasmanian Government, Department of Justice website.


Coverage Available indexes

Births: 1842-1928



A range of historical indexes can be accessed from the SA Genealogy website.

A selection of CDROM indexes to SA BDM records can be ordered for viewing in the Newspapers & Family History Reading Rooms.

A printed version of the Indexes is held in the Family History collection, Call number G 994.23 SO.

Indexes are also available on microfiche in the library - call number GMF 147.

Index to South Australian Pre-Civil Registration Deaths 1836-1842 can be accessed via the FindMyPast database. Available onsite at the State Library Victoria.

index to South Australia, unregistered deaths 1840-1970 can be accessed via the FindMyPast database. Available onsite at the State Library Victoria.

Obtaining a certificate

Certificates can be ordered online through the South Australian Government Consumer and Business Services website.


Coverage Available indexes

Births: 1829-1924



Historical birth, death and marriage indexes can be accessed from the Queensland Registry of births, deaths and marriages website.

Queensland indexes are also available on Microfiche in the library. Call number GMF 147.

Obtaining certificates

Copies of historical birth, death and marriage certificates can be ordered online through the Queensland Government website.

For information on how to obtain a record created inside the restriction period, please go to this page of the Queensland Government website.



Coverage Available indexes

Births: 1841-1932

Deaths: 1841-1971


Historical indexes can be accessed from the Western  Australian Registry of births, deaths and marriages website.

Indexes are also available on microfiche in the library. Call number GMF 134.

A pre-civil registration index 1824-1856 is available on microfilm - call number GM 45.

Obtaining certificates

Certificates can be ordered online or by post from the

Details on how to apply for a certificate, by mail or email, can be found on the Western Australian, Registry of births, deaths and marriages.


Coverage Available indexes

Births: 1870-1918

Deaths: 1870-1913


The NT Registry does not provide online access to any historical indexes. Details on how to request a search can be found on the NT Government website

CDROM indexes to Northern Territory BDM records can be ordered for viewing in the Newspapers and Family History reading rooms.

Indexes are also available on microfiche - call number GMF 11.

The Alien births & death index - Northern Territory lists non-Northern Territory residents. Available on microfiche - call number GMF 11

Check NSW and SA indexes for records prior to separation in 1870.

Obtaining certificates

 Certificates can be ordered from the Northern Territory, Births, deaths and marriages website.


On the ACT Government, Access Canberra website you can access PDF copies of the following indexes -
ACT Historic Marriage Index  (PDF version) (1930-1941)
ACT Historic Death Index (PDF version) (1930-1986)

Obtaining certificates

Certificates can be ordered through the ACT Government, Access Canberra website.

Combined indexes

Australian Birth Index 1788-1922
Australian Death Index  1787-1985
Australian Marriage Index 1787-1950

Indexes are available on the following databases.

Name and place abbreviations

Place names - abbreviations

If you are having trouble identifying a place name consult  VICNAMES - the register of geographic names. On this website you can find over 45,000 Victorian place names.

Consult the following guide -

Given names - abbreviations

The BDM indexes often include abbreviated given names. Hy for Henry, Wm for William and so on. When searching fo a name try using the asterisk wildcard symbol to search for variations of a name e.g. Eliz* will retrieve Eliza, Elizabeth, Elizabetta.

For examples of abbreviated names go to FamilySearch Abbreviations Lists for Personal names site.
You can also find a comprehensive list of first name abbreviations on the Genealogy InTime Magazine website.

What can I find on the BDM certificates?

Library blog - Researching births, deaths and marriages in Victoria

For detailed information on birth, death and marriage indexes and certificates, please see our Researching births, deaths and marriages in Victoria blog.


Wedding party. Bride and Groom, parents and a young woman.

 Raftopoulos, Mrs. Paul. wedding party - bride, groom and three others, H2004.61/488

Where else can you look?

Use the Trove - Historic Australian Newspapers archive to locate birth, marriage and death notices in newspapers. For further information on how to search for notices go to the How to find items in newspapers research guide.

If the newspaper is not available on Trove, search the library catalogue to see if there is an index to that particular newspaper title e.g. Births, deaths and marriages printed in the Hamilton spectator 1859-1920.

Search the Ryerson Index to death notices and obituaries in Australian newspapers. Originally created by the Sydney Dead Persons Society, its strength lies in notices from NSW papers however more Victorian notices are now being indexed.

Search Victoria Funeral Notices,1981-1997. Available in the library on the FindMyPast Australasia database, this index is built from funeral notices from the Melbourne Herald Sun.