Australians in World War 1

This guide focuses on Australians serving in World War 1. It also includes some information relevant to Great Britain, other Commonwealth nations and other combatant nations. There is a section on nurses and women's war occupations.


Front cover of ebook From stray dog to World War 1 hero Shows stray terrier and American officerYou can read ebooks about World War I on the State Library website.

If you are not in the library or are using  your own computer or  mobile device, you must be a Victorian resident and have a State Library member number. 

To find the ebooks, go to the State Library website to the catalogue  box at the top of the page. Select the ebooks option on the drop-down menu and type in your search term.

Or  you can browse our ebooks collection: on our homepage hover your mouse over the Search & Discover heading and go to the Free Databases heading. Click on Journals, articles, indexes and ebooks. Go down the page to the Ebooks heading. Our ProQuest and  Ebsco  ebook databases are listed here. 

Click on either ProQuest Ebook Central or Ebscohost Ebooks. 

Once you are in the Ebooks database, type the search term  World War 1914-1918 in the search box. There is also an advanced search option if you have other keywords to add. 

From stray dog to World War I hero: the Paris terrier who joined the First Division  by Grant Hayter-Menzies

This is the delightful story of a stray dog, Rags, adopted in Paris by an American soldier. Rags served on the front line, carrying messages and serving as an early warning system of mortar attacks. (A mortar was a weapon which fired explosive projectiles in an arc to hit hidden targets). When Rags heard a mortar approaching, he flattened himself on the ground, giving the men warning of danger.  After the war, he was smuggled aboard a hospital ship bound for America, where he lived to the ripe old age of nineteen. 



Front cover of ebook 'Memoirs of an ANZAC' Shows bugle

This ebook is listed on our catalogue

Click on View Online to read. You need a State Library membership  to read it from home.

You can use your State Library member number  to request  the print edition